29 Realities You Should Know About Women

by - January 14, 2024

If the woman is not free to be really a woman, man will never be free to be really a man either. ~ Osho

For many, loved ones and family are still important. But several differences become the reason for love-hate relations. Basic understanding is the foundation of good relations more than capability, right or wrong things. Whether it’s toward a family member, your parents, siblings, spouse, or other loved ones.

Life keeps going, and sometimes we only need a little understanding of the basics.

So here are some powerful lines by Osho to help you understand more about the Women, from The Book —

The Book of Women: a celebration of women and the female spirit.

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

29 quotes about women — The Book Of Woman

1. A woman is to be loved, not understood.

2. Man is a mystery, woman is a mystery, everything that exists is a mystery — and all our efforts to figure it out are going to fail.

3. A psychiatrist is a fellow who asks you a lot of expensive questions that your wife asks you for nothing.

4. If you want to change a woman’s mind, agree with her.

5. If you want to know what a woman really means, look at her — don’t listen to her.

6. The woman is capable of producing life; man is not.

7. The woman gives birth, for nine months or more she remains absolutely vulnerable, dependent on man.

8. A woman is more capable of love than a man is.

9. A man’s love is more or less a physical necessity; a woman’s love is not. It is something greater and higher, it is a spiritual experience. That’s why the woman is monogamous.

10. The woman can be satisfied with one love, utterly fulfilled, because she does not look at the body of the man, she looks at his innermost qualities. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

11. She does not fall in love with a man who has a beautiful muscular body, she falls in love with a man who has charisma — something indefinable, but immensely attractive — who has a mystery to be explored. 

12. She wants her man not to be just a man, but an adventure in discovering consciousness.

13. The woman’s orgasm is total, not confined to the genitals. Her whole body is sexual, and she can have a beautiful orgasmic experience a thousandfold bigger, deeper, more enriching, more nourishing than a man can have. But her whole body has to be aroused.

14. A woman is more centered than a man.

15. A Woman is more serene, more silent, more patient, is capable of waiting. Perhaps because of these qualities she has more resistance to diseases and she lives longer than a man.

16. Because of her serenity, her delicateness, she can fulfill a man’s life immensely.

17. The woman has the capacity to change any house into a home. She can fill it with love; she has that sensitivity.

18. She can surround man’s life in a very soothing, cozy atmosphere.

19. The man is afraid — he does not want to be surrounded by the woman, he does not want to let her create a cozy warmth around him. He is afraid because that way he will become dependent.

20. If man has the possibility of intelligence, the woman has the possibility of love. 

Photo by Matthias Cooper from Pexels

21. She can have intelligence, she just has to be given the chance to develop it.

22. She is born with love — she has more compassion, more kindness, more understanding.

23. Every man is looking for his mother in the woman and every woman is looking for her father in the man. That’s why every marriage is a failure: You cannot find your mother.

24. The woman you have married has not come to your house to be your mother, she wants to be your wife, a lover.

25. A woman, she is, is basically a mother.

26. The mother’s body and her warmth is an absolute necessity for life to grow. That warmth in this vast, cold universe is absolutely necessary in the beginning; otherwise the child will feel abandoned. He will shrink and die.

27. The woman who loves you can enhance your creativity, can inspire you to heights you have never dreamed of.

And she asks nothing. She simply wants your love, which is her basic right.

28. The woman should search into her own soul for her own potential and develop it, and she will have a beautiful future.

29. Man and woman are neither equal nor unequal, they are unique.

I wish you good luck, for your precious relations, especially those connected to women. I’m hoping to share some good things about Men too in the near future.

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Monika Singh

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