Beauty And The Vampires: One Girl Holds The Future Of the Blood Empire

by - June 30, 2023

Imagine you get trapped in the vampires! How will your life be turned? 

Book Review of the book - Beauty And The Vampires

Book Title: Beauty And The Vampires: One Girl Holds The Future Of the Blood Empire 

Author: Sukriti Jaswal

Book Review by Monika Singh  

Set in the 18th century, this book is an intriguing story about vampires and human interaction.

Two kings, Damian and Nicholas, who are Vampires, have their share of fights and search to gain power via the search for Elixir.

Mia is a 17-year-old girl who works in the bakery shop of her Aunt. One day she was attacked by 2 vampires and the bakery shop was set to fire. Before more damage, Vampires Nicholas saved Mia

For a living, she started working in the human slave pet shop, where humans were kept behind bars so Vampires could buy and feed on them. 

One day, a Vampire visited the shop and kept an offer in front of Mia

Mia, the human cook, was taken to the castle of Vampires to prepare delicious food for them. 

Soon, she got her room & special treatment from the kingdom people, King Damian & his brother Nicholas & Sister Eugene

Image by Monika Singh

Her younger step-sister, 7-year-old Alice, was also invited to the Vampire Castle and given a separate room by Nicholas

One day, Mia reached Gabe’s room to meet Lucinda, whom she knew from the pet shop. Gabe was overpowered by Vampire blood lust. He grabbed Mia to suck her blood. But she was saved by the King Vampire.

Image by Monika Singh

Mia was curious to wander into the Vampire castle. One day she reached the Mystic Woods, where she met the wise women Cassandra, and 2 others. 

Cassandra predicted Mia is the protector of Elixir. Mia was in disbelief. She got a book in the Library that has a story about Mystic Woods and Elixir. Since then, Mia has been curious to know more about it. She started asking the royals of the Vampire’s Kingdom in her way. 

She realized how even Kings have to compromise with their loneliness despite having so much crowd in the surroundings! 

Image by Monika Singh

She visited the Mystic woods again to learn more about Elixir, and King Damian caught her there. 

A romance between a human and a Vampire happens through kisses. 

The story turns towards the fight between two kings, Damian and Nicholas when Gabe is kidnapped. 

The story took another turn! 

Someone from the castle was deceiving them in the name of innocence. 

She was there to gain the powers of the Elixir
A great fight happened. Things change. 

Mia was struggling in life and death situation. 

What happened next?
Who will get the elixir? 
How will the story unfold? 
Will the romantic moment between Mia and Vampire King Damian get a happy ending? 

What I like! 

The story is intriguing, and the language is lucid. I found the story chilling with the interaction of humans and vampires instead of a horror one. 
But some bizarre scenes have thrilling vibes. The suspense is well maintained. I’m waiting for the next book by the Author Sukriti Jaswal

Recommended To

I recommend this book to fictional and suspense story lovers looking for a new story to lighten their mood or dive into another world. 

Book Link

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