Mani Shankar, Student, dreamer - Interview

by - April 08, 2022

Mani Shankar

Mani Shankar Soni is from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He is a student of - Bachelor of Pharmacy in the Professional Education field. His hobbies are: Reading books by foreign authors and listening to Classical music. 


(Questions and Answers, in a conversation with Monika Singh and Mani Shankar)

If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?

Mani: I think: "Do not be sad if someone rejects you. Because people usually leave expensive things and go for the cheap ones".

What does literary success look like to you?

Mani: In my opinion, Literary success is the development of mostly pastime uses activities, creativity, and many other things related to the present.

Does a big ego help or hurt dreamers?

Mani: Mostly, big ego always hurts Dreamers.

What was an early experience where you learned that language (written words) had power?

Mani: In my experience, language always works as a medium to understand written or spoken communication.

What period of your life do you find most valuable, enjoyable & eye-opening? (Child, teenager, young adult).

Mani: I found Teenager is part of my life and most enjoyable, & valuable

Do you Google yourself?

Mani: Yes! I do google myself.

What is the most significant judgmental point in society for boys?

Mani: The most significant critical point in society for boys is related to the job and marriage.

One rule you want to break in our society and family for boys/girls?

Mani: I want to break the rule regulations for the girls so that they can grow with boys.

What are your dreams and goals in your life?

Mani: The dream of my life is not big, but it is not small as well, so I want all those qualities that can give me an identity in society.

Who is your ideal in your life?

Mani: My mother is my ideal in my life. But the word cannot explain their feelings.

What do you think, people try to control boys' power in the name of responsibility?

Mani: People suppress boys' feelings in the name of responsibility. They do not have enough time for themselves too. So, I think no one can understand their feelings.

What is your favorite childhood book?

Mani: I have a favorite poetry book: The Random House Book of Poetry.

One thing that always makes you happy, and you want to dance that time?

Mani: Only friends make me happy.

Which change needs our country for primary & real education?

Mani: A new syllabus according to Hindu culture can change real education & primary education.

One thing you want to do for your parents?

Mani: I have many dreams for my parents. I can not explain it, and the future decides that.

Family or a friend, which one is more comfortable for you to share yourself?

Mani: Family and friends both help me in sadness.

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© Monika Singh and Mani Shankar

Original Source: Mani Shankar, Dreamer - Interview Conversation with Monika Singh

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