Love Science - Psychology of Attraction, Non fiction book review by Monika

by - February 14, 2022

How complicated yet powerful Love can be in relationships; we can observe it in our daily lives and the things near us.

Book: Love Science — Psychology of Attraction!
Author: Surajit Roy
Publisher: Notion Press
Pages: 100+

Book Review:

There are different stages of love, classified based on our life Journey.
Childhood, Teenage, Young age, and Old age.

In childhood, we are emotionally attached to our Parents, Siblings, or someone who cares about us a lot.

In our teenage, we experience — friends' love, feel infatuated, or create stories about crushes in our head, which are most of the time one-sided or in our imaginations.

It is not the fault of teenagers. Books & movies make us like this.

As we move towards a young age, there are two important factors:
1. Lust and 2. Companionship.

Though 2 people are never alike & for more than 90% of people look seriously matter. They are influenced by Physical attraction, lust, sex, beauty, and much more. That is why we can observe that a lot of Indian arranged marriages are painful. And in love marriages, love disappears after 3-4 months or 1-2 years.

If you are driven by companionship (rare people), then in such cases, Emotions, intimacy, Strong bond, Communication, Commitment, etc., matters a lot.

My take on Book Narration
It is doing great on the Philosophical part & research-based interest. Along with it, it is also creating confusion and controversies; as we all know, love is different and varies from individual to individual.

Also, the song's lyrics bring two contexts. One is entertainment when we are in the mood for enjoyment & another is feeling, understanding, and pain when we are feeling low.

The cover of the book expresses it clearly. Love is not like our imaginations or attractive & smooth like fantasies in romance novels or movies. It is complicated, messy, and hard to connect and keep all the dots in 1 thread. It seriously needs care and proper balance. 

Suggestions for Author:
The narration needs to be smoother after half the book & before the last quarter. This book needs one more revision for proper flow.

How did I feel while reading this?
It is really hard to digest a lot of opinions and facts without questioning. So, if we do not try to relate things to our real life and surroundings, the stuff of romance fiction/ Bollywood movies will keep empowering our beliefs.

But the reality is that love is one thing, and relationship is another. Love is a free & form of freedom.  Relationships come with partnership & love.

How can this book be helpful for you?
Benefits: It can help you to understand how to pick up the right life partner without many compromises and to force your beliefs.

Recommended To: Those people looking forward to understanding what actual Relationships and Love are in real life. I can not recommend this book to — beginners and hopeless romantic people empowered by escaping reality.

I will share tips, factors, & more things in upcoming posts! 

Share with someone who is new in Relationships or is dating someone or wants to date. 

Get the Book: Book Link

© Monika

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