List of books to read | Non fiction books for beginners | Story books

by - September 10, 2021

Internet is flowing from lots of books recommendation. Whenever we google books, there are many results, from reading books to a list of books to read, to books Images, and much more.
No Doubt there is a specific reason behind every recommendation, and every book serves a different purpose.

But we do not have so much time to read all the books out there! And people can not read so many books until and unless they are addicted to them, or they are an integral part of their life. There are already lots of recommendations out there, and why these recommendations are different from them.

If you have these questions in your mind:
1. Nonfiction books to read
2. Nonfiction books that will change your life
3. What are the best nonfiction books to read
4. Nonfiction books for beginners
5. Storybooks
Then, this list is customized and prepared for you, especially beginners. And these are selected From 80 books I have read in the last five years. Along with it, some are recommendations from Trusted friends who love to read books deeply.

So, here are a few heart-touching books with a vivid range of emotions leaving a long-lasting impact on the heart with their beautiful characters and story narration.

1. The Silent Patient 

2. A Thousand Splendid Suns 

3. Wake Up, Life is Calling 

4. Life is What You Make it

Also, here are some fantastic books that can help you slowly improve your life.

1. Chanakya Neeti  

3. My Little Book of Love 

4. The Psychology of Money

5. How To Win Friend And Influence People

6. Tuesdays With Morrie: An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson

7. Attitude Is Everything: Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life!

8. Man's Search For Meaning: The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust

9. Staying Strong: 365 days a year 

These are for beginners, and simply one book from every genre is enough to teach you a lot of value if you are willing to gain and learn in a short time.

Also, if you are looking for particular topics to understand depth in short form, here are a few books related to human psychology and emotions!
They are not just motivational. They have examples, a work plan, and tips to improve your current situation.

1. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

2. No More Mr Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What You Want in Love, Sex, and Life

3. 40 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

So, if you are reading it, you do not need to search countless articles to select the best books. And you do not need to feel furious about the recommendations by people who recommend just for likes or followers!

Happy Reading, my lovely Readers!
Regards Monika

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